Used to be Eric's comedy club
Source : Tiketti
Organizer : Mascot Bar & Live Stage
Address : Neljäs linja 2, 00530 Helsinki, FI

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Once a month on some fine Thursday; the most local English language stand-up in Helsinki!

The freshest and the best local acts in English - join Aatu ("Gran Canaria") Raitala and Jamie ("Tenerife") MacDonald in a night that's all about jokes, weirdness, politics, love lives of Kallio, and observations made at the expense of Finnish people - usually by Finnish people.

Expect a mix of Finnish and international acts, from comedy pros to folks diving in to their first set.


Liput ovelta 20 / 14 €

Avustaja pääsee tapahtumaan ilmaiseksi avustettavan kanssa samalla lipulla: kyllä
Tapahtumaan on esteetön pääsy pyörätuolilla: kyllä
Tapahtumapaikalla on esteetön WC: kyllä
Lisätietoja: Tapahtuma Mascotin alakerrassa, samassa kerroksessa sijaitsee inva wc.

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Used to be Eric's comedy club

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