About us


we connect people and events

Eventti name is created from the words EVENT & Tickets. We want to help our users to find events for their own interest. Our aim is to have all the event information in the same place where tickets could be found. You can find events due your own interests and purchase tickets straight through 'Buy ticket' button, which leads to the ticket sellers site. The history of eventti.net begins in 2012, when it was established as the event publication of a small holiday magazine which printed version was cancelled later on. Since the closure of the printed magazine, service has continued as an independent event web-platform with the goal of connecting event visitors to the events being held. Eventti Ltd. was founded in 2020 in Helsinki, Finland. Event Ltd. released its international event service eventti.net in July 2021. Company was established during the event industry was suffering from the most strictest restrictions and regulations to tame Covid-19. Even through hard times of the event industry, founders Juha and Late had a strong trust of event industry normalization after Covid-19 pandemic and they wanted to help people to find events. Eventti.net – Events & Tickets | Search for events and purchase event tickets Our mission is to list every event in the World and make life easier for all event visitors!


Anyone can list their own events into Eventti.net. Its totally free and bigger ticket sellers events will be listed into the service automatically. You can achieve better visibility and credibility by adding your own event into Eventti.net. Event marketing in Eventti.net is totally free of charge. Within 5 minutes you have listed an event into eventti.net. Just register and add event details! With a small effort you can raise the amount of sold tickets or event participants. In Eventti.net there is the largest listing of events divided into different event categories. The purpose of categorising different events is to make it easier to explore new events due one's interests. Whether you are interested in events in a particular geographical area such as your hometown, or in a specific type of event, such as theater event, sports event, movies, fairs, exhibitions, music events, or courses, or any other event category. There are separate events for the whole family, parents and toddler groups, business forums, adult learning and virtual events. Many events are also free of charge for visitors to attend. We’re constantly developing the discoverability of events, so if you have some suggestions on how we could develop our service, we’d love to hear about it. In addition, if you find that some event is missing from our site, you can add it for free by registering a username for yourself. However, it is not necessary to add all the events manually because we automatically import most of the ticket sellers' events.


affiliate with us

We are also constantly looking for new partners to affiliate with, so if you are a ticket seller and you already provide affiliate program with event listing API, don't hesitate to contact us!

E-events (Remotely organised events!)

When COVID-19 crisis hit us all the hardest, we wanted to carry our responsibilities as a marketing platform of events We thought that it could support event organisers in a difficult situation of Covid-19, if people could find and participate easier for remotely organised events. For that, we found out that there could be need for a new category for virtual events (E-events). E-events are events that you can attend from your own home couch. We think that E-events are contributing to the whole event industry in the future. It allows a low threshold to attend events and all the risks are minimized. According to our prediction, Events in the future will be organised in the so-called hybrid-events, in which case the ticket can be purchased on the spot or participate in it virtually. Winning a corona for event organisers is sure to create new opportunities. Events that are not organised during the COVID-19 creates passion and pressure on people to attend events in the future. There are a large number of enthusiastic people looking for events to be organised! We hope all the best for all event organisers and event visitors!