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The Rasmus image
The Rasmus
TAPAHTUMAN JULKINEN MYYNTI ALKAA PERJANTAINA 25.10.2024 KLO 11:00 *** THE RASMUS – REST IN PIECES It is often said that the best bands are the ones which keep surprising you time and time again, in the most thrilling of ways. This is something Finnish rockers The Rasmus have been doing since their major label debut and a creative responsibility they take great pride in. If you’ve listened to any of their albums, you’ll be able to hear a kaleidoscopic collage of heavy guitars against futuristic electronics, as well as pop hooks that can find their way into the heart of any kind of music fan. As a direct result, they’ve become one of Finland’s greatest musical exports, selling millions of records worldwide and winning award after award. But this year, they’re upping the ante and releasing their most commanding music to date in the form of new single Rest In Pieces, set for release on October 25. It’s irresistibly heavy, dark and melodic – marking the start of the next chapter in their sonic evolution with a sense of fearless bravado and world-conquering intensity. “I guess it’s kind of a new sound for us,” ponders founding frontman Lauri Ylönen. “We’ve done heavy things in the past, I remember the second album had songs with hard riffing. So it’s not completely new, but it’s definitely a fresh take on The Rasmus... especially compared to what we’ve done more recently.” The roots of the song come from a place of betrayal and anger, which explains why the lyrics could be considered Ylönen’s most hard-hitting and direct to date. As he rightly points out, some of the best art comes from the challenges life can throw at us – provided the emotions are processed and channelled through more positive avenues. If art imitates life, it should be every bit as unpredictable... “This all started very organically,” he continues. “The story behind the music is that I was betrayed by a friend. I was sad and pissed off at the same time. I wanted to channel my frustration into the music and create what I call a ‘fuck you song’ for revenge. That’s usually the best thing for any artist or creator to do in that situation. You take the emotion and turn it into something powerful. There’s an impulse that comes through and you find the strength to capture it in the form of music to make art. It might seem negative at first, but I wanted this song to also feel empowering to anyone who hears it. There’s that uplifting thing that we do. I would say Rest In Pieces is very positive in amongst all the intensity.” The new track also marks a new partnership with American label Better Noise outside the Nordic and Baltic territories overseen by Playground Music. Currently representing heavyweights like Five Finger Death Punch and Asking Alexandria, having led successful campaigns with Mötley Crüe and Papa Roach in the past, it’s the perfect new home for their new music. The label also introduced the group (completed by bassist Eero Heinonen, drummer Aki Hakala and guitarist Emppu Suhonen) to acclaimed producer Joseph McQueen [As I Lay Dying, Bad Wolves] in order to help them explore and experiment in new creative directions. The initial tracking had been done with Alex Mattson in Helsinki, the mastermind behind Blind Channel’s 100 million-plus streams, and with McQueen on board, they had the recipe for something truly spectacular. “He’s known for producing really cool bands, mostly American ones,” smiles the frontman. “It was very inspiring to work with new blood, so to speak. Here was someone who lived and breathed this kind of music. It was a perfect match.” The new music will be supported by a world tour, with The Rasmus bringing an unforgettable stage show to their devoted audiences around the world. “It’s been a while since we went on tour, so we’re really excited to be heading out all over the world in 2025,” continues Ylönen. “It’s shaping up to be a massive tour and there’s more dates to come. We can’t wait to hang out with our fans. It’s going to be fun to see them again, we’re like family.” As for what to expect from album number eleven, all we can say is watch this space. “Rest In Pieces is a promise of what’s to come, for sure!” adds the frontman. “It represents our new sound... it’s shaping up to be the heaviest and darkest album of our career to date!” Möysä: Instagram | Facebook | X | YoutubeLiput ovelta 36 € jos jäljellä. Klubikatsomo-lippu (sisältää keikkalipun) - narikka sisältyy hintaan - paikka klubikatsomosta josta erinomainen näkyvyys lavalle, halutessasi istumapaikka - lippu vaihdetaan rannekkeeseen ⭐️ Aitiovaraukset keikalle tästä ⭐️ Z-YÖJUNA HELSINKIIN Nyt pääset viikonloppuisin Helsingistä junalla sujuvasti Möysän musaklubin eli Mössön keikoille Lahteen ja heti keikan jälkeen takaisin. Viimeinen Z-juna perjantaisin ja lauantaisin lähtee Lahdesta Helsinkiin klo 00.30 ja on perillä Helsingissä klo 01.30. Jatkossa helsinkiläisetkin ehtivät siis katsomaan Mössön perjantain ja lauantain keikan rauhassa loppuun asti. Virvoittava viiden minuutin kävely Mössöltä Lahden rautatieasemalle ja VR hoitaa loput! Tarkista juna-aikataulut täältä. Lipun ostaneiden asiakkaiden yhteystiedot luovutetaan järjestäjälle tiedottamista / ohjeistamista varten. Pyörätuolilla kulku Mössölle tapahtuu henkilökunnan avustamana sisäpihan kautta. Klubilla pääsee liikkumaan pyörätuolilla rajoitetusti.
Glenn Hughes - plays Deep Purple image
Glenn Hughes - plays Deep Purple
Deep Purple –legenda Glenn Hughesin Suomen-konsertit siirtyvät Deep Purplen entisenä basistina ja solistina tutuksi tulleen Glenn Hughesin marraskuulle suunnitellut Suomen-konsertit siirtyvät vuoden 2025 syksyyn. Hughes nähdään Helsingissä, Hyvinkäällä ja Tampereella syys-lokakuun vaihteessa 2025. Siirtyneiden konserttien lisäksi Suomeen saadaan uutena lauantaina 4. lokakuuta 2025 järjestettävä Oulun-konsertti.Deep Purplen basistina ja laulajana vuodet 1973-1976 toimineen Glen Huhgesin piti saapua marraskuussa Suomeen osana Deep Purplen tänä vuonna 50-vuotta täyttävää Burn-albumia juhlistavaa kiertuetta. Suunnitelmiin on kuitenkin tullut muutos, ja loppuvuodelle 2024 kaavaillut Pohjoismaiden konsertit siirtyvät syksyyn 2025. Konserteissa on luvassa BURN-albumilta löytyvien biisien lisäksi myös muita Deep Purple-biisejä. Jo viime vuonna alkaneella juhlakiertueella Hughesin yhtyeessä soittavat Soren Andersen (kitara), Ash Sheehan (rummut) and Bob Fridzema (koskettimet). Kun Glenn Hughes liittyi Deep Purplen riveihin vuonna 1973, olivat laulaja Ian Gillan ja bassokitaristi Roger Glover juuri lähteneet yhtyeestä. Legendaarisen hardrock-yhtyeen kitaristi Ritchie Blackmore, kosketinsoittaja Jon Lord ja rumpali Ian Paice jatkoivat Deep Purplen tarinaa Hughesin ja David Coverdalen kanssa. Uuden kokoonpanon ensimmäinen yhteinen albumi oli marraskuussa 1973 äänitetty Burn, joka oli samalla Deep Purplen kahdeksas albumi. Ilmestymisensä jälkeen levy sijoittui hyvin myyntilistoilla. Se nousi Ison-Britannian albumilistan sijalle 3., Billboard 200-listan sijalle 9. ja listaykköseksi Itävallassa, Tanskassa, Saksassa ja Norjassa. Trapeze-yhtyeessä uransa aloittanut Glenn Hughes on Deep Purple -pestinsä lisäksi mm. äänittänyt neljä studioalbumia palkitun Black Country Communion –superyhtyeen kanssa sekä julkaissut sooloalbumeita, joiden tiimoilta hän on kiertänyt laajasti Euroopassa, Japanissa ja Etelä-Amerikassa. Vuonna 2019 Glenn liittyi Dead Daisesin laulajaksi ja bassokitaristiksi, äänitti kaksi albumia, Holy Ground (2021) ja Radiance (2022) ja kiersi ympäri maailmaa. Rock and Roll Hall of Fameen Glenn Hughes valittiin vuonna 2016 osana Deep Purplen kolmatta kokoonpanoa. Suomessa Hughes on viimeksi keikkaillut viime kesän Tuska-festivaalilla Classic Deep Purple Live -shownsa kanssa. Glenn HUGHES - Plays Deep PurpleTI 30.9.2025 HyvinkääsaliKE 1.10.2025 Tampere-talo, iso saliPE 3.10.2025 Helsinki, KulttuuritaloLA 4.10. 2025 Oulu, Madetojan saliKonsertit ovat ikärajattomiaLippujen hinnat kaikissa konserteissa 59,90 / 69,90 / 79,90 €Konsertit järjestää Gramopop Oywww.glennhughes.com
The Rasmus image
The Rasmus
TAPAHTUMAN JULKINEN MYYNTI ALKAA PERJANTAINA 25.10.2024 KLO 11:00 *** THE RASMUS – REST IN PIECES It is often said that the best bands are the ones which keep surprising you time and time again, in the most thrilling of ways. This is something Finnish rockers The Rasmus have been doing since their major label debut and a creative responsibility they take great pride in. If you’ve listened to any of their albums, you’ll be able to hear a kaleidoscopic collage of heavy guitars against futuristic electronics, as well as pop hooks that can find their way into the heart of any kind of music fan. As a direct result, they’ve become one of Finland’s greatest musical exports, selling millions of records worldwide and winning award after award. But this year, they’re upping the ante and releasing their most commanding music to date in the form of new single Rest In Pieces, set for release on October 25. It’s irresistibly heavy, dark and melodic – marking the start of the next chapter in their sonic evolution with a sense of fearless bravado and world-conquering intensity. “I guess it’s kind of a new sound for us,” ponders founding frontman Lauri Ylönen. “We’ve done heavy things in the past, I remember the second album had songs with hard riffing. So it’s not completely new, but it’s definitely a fresh take on The Rasmus... especially compared to what we’ve done more recently.” The roots of the song come from a place of betrayal and anger, which explains why the lyrics could be considered Ylönen’s most hard-hitting and direct to date. As he rightly points out, some of the best art comes from the challenges life can throw at us – provided the emotions are processed and channelled through more positive avenues. If art imitates life, it should be every bit as unpredictable... “This all started very organically,” he continues. “The story behind the music is that I was betrayed by a friend. I was sad and pissed off at the same time. I wanted to channel my frustration into the music and create what I call a ‘fuck you song’ for revenge. That’s usually the best thing for any artist or creator to do in that situation. You take the emotion and turn it into something powerful. There’s an impulse that comes through and you find the strength to capture it in the form of music to make art. It might seem negative at first, but I wanted this song to also feel empowering to anyone who hears it. There’s that uplifting thing that we do. I would say Rest In Pieces is very positive in amongst all the intensity.” The new track also marks a new partnership with American label Better Noise outside the Nordic and Baltic territories overseen by Playground Music. Currently representing heavyweights like Five Finger Death Punch and Asking Alexandria, having led successful campaigns with Mötley Crüe and Papa Roach in the past, it’s the perfect new home for their new music. The label also introduced the group (completed by bassist Eero Heinonen, drummer Aki Hakala and guitarist Emppu Suhonen) to acclaimed producer Joseph McQueen [As I Lay Dying, Bad Wolves] in order to help them explore and experiment in new creative directions. The initial tracking had been done with Alex Mattson in Helsinki, the mastermind behind Blind Channel’s 100 million-plus streams, and with McQueen on board, they had the recipe for something truly spectacular. “He’s known for producing really cool bands, mostly American ones,” smiles the frontman. “It was very inspiring to work with new blood, so to speak. Here was someone who lived and breathed this kind of music. It was a perfect match.” The new music will be supported by a world tour, with The Rasmus bringing an unforgettable stage show to their devoted audiences around the world. “It’s been a while since we went on tour, so we’re really excited to be heading out all over the world in 2025,” continues Ylönen. “It’s shaping up to be a massive tour and there’s more dates to come. We can’t wait to hang out with our fans. It’s going to be fun to see them again, we’re like family.” As for what to expect from album number eleven, all we can say is watch this space. “Rest In Pieces is a promise of what’s to come, for sure!” adds the frontman. “It represents our new sound... it’s shaping up to be the heaviest and darkest album of our career to date!”Nettisivuilta vain suoria ostoja. Puhelinpalvelun kautta lippujen varausaika 2 päivää. Ovella peritään narikkamaksu 3 €.
The Offspring: Supercharged Worldwide in ’25 - HELSINKI image
The Offspring: Supercharged Worldwide in ’25 - HELSINKI
THE OFFSPRING HELSINGIN JÄÄHALLIIN SYKSYLLÄ 2025Keikan erityisvieraana esiintyy Simple PlanKalifornia-punkin pioneeri The Offspring saapuu Suomeen ensi syksynä uutta Supercharged-albumia juhlistavan Supercharged Worldwide in ’25 -maailmankiertueensa siivittämänä. Genrensä kaikkien aikojen suosituimpiin nimiin kuuluva yhtye esiintyy Helsingin Jäähallissa tiistaina 7. lokakuuta 2025. Aina uusia sukupolvia tavoittava The Offspring on 40-vuotisen uransa aikana myynyt yli 40 miljoonaa albumia, joista viimeisin, Supercharged julkaistiin viime viikon perjantaina. Häpeilemättömän koukuttavista pop-punk-anthemeistaan ja korkeaoktaanisesta live-energiastaan tunnetun The Offspringin keikan lipunmyynti käynnistyy Lippu.fissä perjantaina 18. lokakuuta klo 11.Megalomaaniseen kansainväliseen suosioon albumillaan Smash (1994) ampaissut The Offspring nosti punkin vaihtoehtokulttuurista valtavirran tietoisuuteen. Aikansa musiikillista ilmastoa perustavalla tavalla muuttaneen yhtyeen megahitit, kuten Come Out and Play, Self Esteem sekä vuonna 1998 ilmestyneeltä Americana-pitkäsoitolta irroitetut singlet Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) ja The Kids Aren´t Alright kuuluvat modernin populaarikulttuurin kaanoniin. Suomalaisyleisön rakastama kokoonpano on vuosien saatossa esiintynyt maassamme lukuisia kertoja niin Helsingin legendaarisessa Lepakossa kuin suurten festivaalien, kuten Provinssin, Ruisrockin ja Qstockin päälavoilla.Juuri ilmestynyt, järjestyksessään 11. The Offspring-albumi Supercharged valjastaa yhtyeen ehtymättömän energian hyväntuulisen, ja samanaikaisesti tarkkanäköisen terävästi nykymaailmaa ruotivan musiikin muotoon. “We just want to connect with the world, and SUPERCHARGED does that like a big punch in the face,” solisti Dexter Holland kertoo. “We're pumped to be putting this record out and to hit the road behind it next year, bringing the music to our fans who have been with us for so long.”Illan erityisvieraana nähdään The Offspringin musiikillinen hengenheimolainen Simple Plan. Parhaillaan 25-vuotista uraansa juhlistava melodisen pop-punkin airut on julkaissut uransa aikana kuusi studioalbumia, joista viimeisin Harder Than It Looks julkaistiin vuonna 2022. Yleisöt kautta maailman riehaannuttavalla live-energiallaan villitsevä kanadalaisyhtye on esiintynyt Suomessa loppuunmyydyillä keikoilla pariin otteeseen.THE OFFSPRING (US) Supercharged Worldwide in ’25Special guest SIMPLE PLANTi 7.10.2025 Helsinki, Jäähalliwww.offspring.comwww.officialsimpleplan.comwww.helsinginjaahalli.fiwww.fullsteam.fi
The Rasmus image
The Rasmus
TAPAHTUMAN JULKINEN MYYNTI ALKAA PERJANTAINA 25.10.2024 KLO 11:00 *** THE RASMUS – REST IN PIECES It is often said that the best bands are the ones which keep surprising you time and time again, in the most thrilling of ways. This is something Finnish rockers The Rasmus have been doing since their major label debut and a creative responsibility they take great pride in. If you’ve listened to any of their albums, you’ll be able to hear a kaleidoscopic collage of heavy guitars against futuristic electronics, as well as pop hooks that can find their way into the heart of any kind of music fan. As a direct result, they’ve become one of Finland’s greatest musical exports, selling millions of records worldwide and winning award after award. But this year, they’re upping the ante and releasing their most commanding music to date in the form of new single Rest In Pieces, set for release on October 25. It’s irresistibly heavy, dark and melodic – marking the start of the next chapter in their sonic evolution with a sense of fearless bravado and world-conquering intensity. “I guess it’s kind of a new sound for us,” ponders founding frontman Lauri Ylönen. “We’ve done heavy things in the past, I remember the second album had songs with hard riffing. So it’s not completely new, but it’s definitely a fresh take on The Rasmus... especially compared to what we’ve done more recently.” The roots of the song come from a place of betrayal and anger, which explains why the lyrics could be considered Ylönen’s most hard-hitting and direct to date. As he rightly points out, some of the best art comes from the challenges life can throw at us – provided the emotions are processed and channelled through more positive avenues. If art imitates life, it should be every bit as unpredictable... “This all started very organically,” he continues. “The story behind the music is that I was betrayed by a friend. I was sad and pissed off at the same time. I wanted to channel my frustration into the music and create what I call a ‘fuck you song’ for revenge. That’s usually the best thing for any artist or creator to do in that situation. You take the emotion and turn it into something powerful. There’s an impulse that comes through and you find the strength to capture it in the form of music to make art. It might seem negative at first, but I wanted this song to also feel empowering to anyone who hears it. There’s that uplifting thing that we do. I would say Rest In Pieces is very positive in amongst all the intensity.” The new track also marks a new partnership with American label Better Noise outside the Nordic and Baltic territories overseen by Playground Music. Currently representing heavyweights like Five Finger Death Punch and Asking Alexandria, having led successful campaigns with Mötley Crüe and Papa Roach in the past, it’s the perfect new home for their new music. The label also introduced the group (completed by bassist Eero Heinonen, drummer Aki Hakala and guitarist Emppu Suhonen) to acclaimed producer Joseph McQueen [As I Lay Dying, Bad Wolves] in order to help them explore and experiment in new creative directions. The initial tracking had been done with Alex Mattson in Helsinki, the mastermind behind Blind Channel’s 100 million-plus streams, and with McQueen on board, they had the recipe for something truly spectacular. “He’s known for producing really cool bands, mostly American ones,” smiles the frontman. “It was very inspiring to work with new blood, so to speak. Here was someone who lived and breathed this kind of music. It was a perfect match.” The new music will be supported by a world tour, with The Rasmus bringing an unforgettable stage show to their devoted audiences around the world. “It’s been a while since we went on tour, so we’re really excited to be heading out all over the world in 2025,” continues Ylönen. “It’s shaping up to be a massive tour and there’s more dates to come. We can’t wait to hang out with our fans. It’s going to be fun to see them again, we’re like family.” As for what to expect from album number eleven, all we can say is watch this space. “Rest In Pieces is a promise of what’s to come, for sure!” adds the frontman. “It represents our new sound... it’s shaping up to be the heaviest and darkest album of our career to date!” *** Syömään ennen keikkaa? Varaa pöytä Ravintola Ilveksestä! www.ravintolailves.fi Tavastian turvallisuusohje Tavastialla on nollatoleranssi kaikenlaiselle häirinnälle, kiusaamiselle, syrjinnälle, väkivallalle sekä vallan väärinkäytölle. Olethan viipymättä yhteydessä henkilökuntaan, mikäli kohtaat minkäänlaista huonoa käytöstä tapahtumassa. Saavutettavuus Tapahtumapaikka on esteetön. Avustaja veloituksetta. Osta Ympäristölippu ja tue Tavastia Hall of Nature -hanketta! Tavastia Hall of Nature -hanke tähtää vastuullisempaan ja kestävämpään Tavastiaan. Yksi hankkeen tavoitteista on tulla hiilineutraaliksi livekentän toimijaksi. Tavastia Hall of Nature -keräyksen myyntituotot menevät lyhentämättömänä Luonnonperintösäätiön Tavastian metsä -kampanjaan, jonka tavoitteena on hankkia oma suojeltu metsä päästöjen kompensoimiseksi. Käy tutustumassa kampanjaan: Luonnonperintosaatio.fi/tavastian-metsa Kiitos kun olet mukana rakentamassa kestävämpää Tavastiaa!Liput ovelta 43 €, mikäli jäljellä. Varmista soittoajat keikkapäivänä Tavastian sivuilta .